"I have not lacked anything"

Last year around this time, I moved to the Atlanta area from Savannah to pursue a once in a lifetime internship opportunity with a professional sports team. Everything went great and I was believing God that I would secure a permanent position from the internship. Unfortunately, it was outside of God’s will for me so I did not earn that job.

Because I have always wanted to live in the Atlanta area even after graduating college, I felt like it was my perfect opportunity, the right timing to be there. So I prayed prayed and prayed for an opportunity. After being jobless for weeks, He enabled me to obtain two jobs.

Starting off fresh in a new city can be a struggle financially. Working those 2 jobs definitely overwhelmed me physically, mentally and spiritually. I was not making enough to provide for myself. My work schedule did not allow me to attend church on Sundays. I was also in battle about if I should return back to school. After aggressively praying and fasting, the spirt of discernment rested upon my heart to move back home. God’s grace and mercy enabled me to remain in ATL for that length of time. Through all the struggles, I still listened to the sermons of Pastor Lisa and Pastor Datha, and continuously paid my tithes & offering. I moved back to Sav in Nov 2019.

When I thought my life was moving backwards, God moved me forward in INCREASE. Now that I am back in the area, I am enrolled in school, I have a job that pays me more than I’ve been making in ATL. All while continuously making deposits into the kingdom. With this global pandemic, my department went into a furlough. When I should have been struggling, I have been overly blessed financially by avenues of unexpected income. God has generated a new job position for me in my department. I can certainly say, I have not lacked anything in the midst of this global storm. It blows my mind every-time I think about it. Thank you Jesus!!!

Above Asking Price During COVID-19

Paying two mortgages for almost a full year was definitely strenuous and we had to reevaluate our priorities, but our family never went without what we needed. Every single bump in the road was met with cushion. God is always faithful to provide!

When it finally came time to sell our old home, every detail fell supernaturally into place. We experienced unmerited favor at every turn. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S. shutdown, we had 12 showings in the first 3 days, and 4 offers on our house.

We ended up selling the home on the 4th day, above asking price, and to a sweet couple who is eager to start their family there.

God is good to us!

God is good to us! Even in the middle of the pandemic, we have experienced increase! A thousand may fall at your right and 10,000 at your left but it will not come to you! He takes good care of His kids!! 

- My hours were cut at work by 25%, BUT God made a way and I am getting paid back more than the amount that was lost. 
- My husband got a good raise.
- My husband's job was spared during a layoff
- Our consumer debt is gone!
- My son got a good job, his consumer debt is gone too!
- We have been able to increase our giving. 

Its all because of God!! He is able to provide above all we can ask or think! He is good to us and we are living in the overflow!


God is Faithful to Provide & Redeem

l tithe, I believe tithing is what the Bible says I should do. Since I have been coming to The Seed Church and hearing the teaching of speaking life, our words are powerful, and we will have what we say according to the Word of God. My life is becoming just what I am speaking. I am blessed, I am prosperous, and I live in good health. Before The Seed Church, I did not understand what that meant. I didn't learn that and did not realize how much it affected my whole life. I continued to say things like I had my entire life, how broke I am, I don't make enough money, I will never get anywhere, I am not good enough, on and on. So as much and as hard as I worked, I was always broke, I didn't get anywhere, and my thoughts about myself stopped me from doing many things. But praise the Lord, now that the word of faith has taken root in me, and my words affect everything in my life, speaking words of life is the only way to talk, I know the difference, and I speak words of life about my whole life and the people in it.

Several years ago, a friend that owned her own business wanted me to work for her. She said I could work as many hours as I wanted. I would be working from home, and she would set up everything that I needed to do the work. Because of the amount of time she wanted me to spend working, I would have to quit the job I had. I had worked there for almost five years. It felt like the right thing to do but was scary at the same time. I was in the process of committing my life back to the Lord, so I thought this was an awesome blessing. I did quit my job, and in a short time, my friend/boss started giving me less and less work and had to beg her to send me work. I had to go back to the job I left, thank God I was able to do this, it took several months to get back on the schedule.

So things did not end well with us. At first, I could not bear to hear my friend's name, but as time went on, and Jesus became more important in my life, I was able to forgive her. I had learned in our freedom class how much it means to forgive people. I needed forgiveness myself, and Jesus forgave me.

She came to Savannah to visit her friend. After she had been here for a few days, she came to see me. I was outside when she came up, and she did a little bit of small talk but then asked if I could I ever forgive her. I said yes, of course, and I went over and hugged her. She was shocked and very thankful. I visited with her and her friend several times while she was here and they came to my house to visit as well. God won!

Fast-forward to a few weeks ago, I came home from work, and there was a FedEx envelope for me on the counter from her. I opened it, and there was a beautiful card inside. She wrote how often she thinks about me and how much it meant to her still because I forgave her. Inside the card was a check, and she said the Lord wanted her to give this to me. It was a check for $6000.00.

God is faithful!  

Word of Knowledge: Arm numbness

Sunday, May 3rd a Word of Knowledge was given out during our Drive-In service that someone had been experiencing numbness in their right arm when they woke up in the morning. After service, one of our teens approached the stage in tears and reported that for the past year her right arm was tingling and numb every morning. The spirit of God instructed her to try and do something she normally couldn’t do. During service she could tell her arm had been restored. God is good. He is a healer!

Free from Drugs & Healed of Hepatitis

Before I was saved I was a drug user, using the needles to shoot up heroin and other things too. The fact that even though I did this, I didn't became one of the people that lives for the next fix was a miracle all by itself. In the process of this I got hepatitis, was in the hospital for a few weeks. The doctors said I would not be able to ever give blood. Time past. I got saved several years later. God delivered me from drugs, alcohol, smoking in an instant. I felt like I had a brillo pad and bleach come inside of me and wash me clean. I felt this and believed God took away everything bad! Several weeks ago I had a couple of shots in my hand and the doctor got nicked by the needle. He asked me if I had anything like hepatitis, aids, etc. I said no. Well, I left the office and got to thinking about it and the Lord kept letting me know I needed to call the doctor and let him know about the hepatitis. I called and they asked me to come back in so they could draw blood. According to facts - this type of hepatitis does not go away on it's own. I got a call from the office the next morning and my tests were all NEGATIVE!  Praise the Lord! I would have never know if that incident had not happened. I believe he totally cleaned me the day he came into my heart.

Healing of the Hand & Protection

During our St. Patrick’s Revival services — God did two things for me:

Friday Night

Pastor Datha gave a word of knowledge about someone experiencing trouble with their hands, dropping things and that the hand was not cooperating as it should. When I went forward for the prayer, the Lord told me that the enemy had been showing me images of possible things that was causing it and He just said,NO! NO! Not going to happen! I went to the doctor for the check up and when all tests were done I got back a report that confirmed the devil was a liar!

Saturday Night

On Saturday night the Lord had Pastor Datha call out someone who was having trouble with their steering wheel, and for us to come up and get prayer. Pastors Lisa and Kempie prayed for me. Instructions were also given to get the steering wheel checked out. On Thursday, I took my car to be checked even though I had just purchased the vehicle one month earlier. When I went to pick my car up after servicing, I was informed that it was in such bad shape that it should have never passed inspection. During the inspection even more issues were discovered and the car was repaired and is in now in excellent condition. God did above and beyond anything I could have thought of! Thank God for revival!

Praise Report!

All work stopped on Wednesday, March 18th for me due to the COVID-19 Virus. Basically, I had been laid off. They told us that they may or may not resume work on April 1st so basically I was out of work. I told my husband that I would just return to my previous job and work part-time but he said that hours had been cut there as well making that impossible. I became concerned but refused to worry and lose my joy. In just a few days El Shaddai moved on my behalf! I received a call on March 21st from my employer to let me know that they were going to pay me for 19 hours each week that I was laid off which would be exactly what I would’ve been making if I was able to get the part-time position at my previous job. WOW! God IS my provider! Thank you Jesus!

"In the Middle of a Pandemic"

About 4/5 years ago we paid off all of our debts. We were debt free! We figured this was the perfect time to purchase our first home. We were so excited and knew that we would be approved but we were turned down again and again and again because we had not established any credit. Purchasing a home meant a lot to us because we had rented for years and wanted a house that was our own. We were crushed from the responses we got form lender after lender. We started to build up our credit to purchase our first home but then got in way over our heads in debt and ended up having to file for bankruptcy.

Fast forward to today — We haven’t tried to build up anymore credit. We have only been paying off our bankruptcy. I wasn’t really checking my credit score and I figured it was too pitiful to even look at so I just didn’t. A friend of ours from church encouraged us to be patient and try for the house again.

So, we did and on March 15th in the middle of a pandemic and despite the fact that we have a bankruptcy — my credit score went over the minimum requirements and we were approved for our first home. All I can say is — BUT GOD! This makes no Earthly sense. Everyone knows that a bankruptcy typically stays on your record for 7-10 years. I’ve heard people saying, “with something like that on your record it is impossible to purchase a home.”. BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Praise God! Thank you Jesus!

God is your provider!

I previously had a great job making very good money that I enjoyed very much. Well over the course of several months I dealt with a situation with a coworker that I tried to handle on my own instead of giving it to God which ultimately allowed the devil to steal my job from me. The past 5 years has been the toughest season for my wife and I going from two incomes down to one. Bills were missed but in all of it we did our best to remain faithful in our tithing because we knew that if God had our money then He had our hearts. Our faith was tested even to the point that we had close family members questioning our beliefs but because of God and the way we’ve been taught in our church we knew where to turn our focus. Now, 5 years later, I was just offered a job this past week making $21k more per year than my previous job (because God restores what the devil has stolen). Best of all our tithing and giving will be able to increase higher than it’s ever been in the past!

Healed at the Altar

“I Received my healing today. At the alter praising God when all of a sudden my right side started cramping up with the worst pain I’ve ever felt. From my hip bone to the top of my ribs I felt something pulling on me and the right side of my body was drawing up into a cramp. My foot came off the ground. When I saw Pastor Datha going to her seat I walked over to her & grabbed her hand & pulled it to my right side. Something very powerful released my side as she prayed. Very powerful pulling out of my side. Can’t explain it completely but I tell you it felt like 50 lbs of weight which was pulling my body into a cramp that was excruciating pain to me released me. The pain was so bad I was losing my breath. I did not walk up to the alter in that pain. I was worshipping God and whatever it was had to leave because the anointing for healing was flowing. I got my miracle. Was not even aware of whatever was in me that had to leave me!  But God.. But the anointing… But because intercessory prayer works… That problem had to GO! God is faithful! Praise Him!”

Prophetic Word for 2019

New Year’s Prophetic Word
Given by Pastor Datha during our New Years Eve Service

“It's time for you to weep no more, It's time for you to weep no more.  It's time for you not to be anxious.  It's time for you not to fret.  It's time for you not to worry anymore.

The Great I AM has shown up in your life. 

The Great I AM is manifesting who He is.

He is your healer.  And just as I took the waters in my hands and measured it and decreed where it would go, the depth it would go. I AM the God that spoke to the mountains and decreed what height the mountains should be, what depth the mountains should be and how wide the mountains should be.

Can I not do the same with your situation? Hallelujah!

I have eyes that do not see just in the now. I have eyes that know the back, but I have eyes that know the front.  I have eyes that know exactly how to heal your body.  I AM right now healing your body.  I AM doing surgery on your body.  I AM changing the bones in your body.  I AM doing surgery on your eye sight.  I AM doing surgery on your heart.  

I AM changing your future.  Your future was not good. There were decisions that you made that were not the right decisions. You did not know that they were not the right decisions, but it was not the right decision, but I have shown up in you life, I have shown up in your life in a special way.  And I AM changing your future. Hallelujah!!!   

I AM removing obstacles, obstacles that were formed as a result of what you said.  Obstacles that were formed as a result of what you did. But there has been repentance, there has been repentance.

And I AM the I AM. 

And I showed up and I changed the course of your life.  I changed the river going into your life. I changed the course of your life. I got you back on course. I got you back in the right place. I got you back in the right place at the right time. Don't worry about time. I AM the God of all time. Time has never restricted me, I change time. I made it the right time. I have made it the right time. I have made it so that there is no lost time. Hallelujah!!!  


And I have shown up in your life tonight in a special way.  So rejoice, begin to shout, begin to praise me! I have shown up, I have shown up, I have shown up.

Part Two

Even though I have spoken, there are still some of you who have said "it's too late."  "It's just too late", “It's just too late, too much time has passed, it's just too late"!   "There is not enough time".

You are looking at your situation, you are looking at your life through your eyes. You are looking at it through your way of thinking.

You forget that I AM the God that I AM!

I AM EL SHADDAI, I AM EL SHADDAI.  I AM not man, I AM not man.  I AM not limited, I AM not boxed in, I AM not man, I made man!

I made the rivers,  I made the waters. I made the mountains, I made the Earth, I made the sky, I made the stars and I made the Sun.


I began to tithe off of my gross

Since Pastor Lisa had us read "The Blessed Life" by Robert Morris, God began dealing with me concerning tithing on my gross instead of my net income. Initially, I didn't think I could do it because I didn't think that I could afford it, and I recognized that it was the enemy who had been robbing me of my money and was determined to not let it continue. Even though it was a substantial amount more than what I was used to tithing, I gave in obedience. The first paycheck that I tithed on my gross income was one out of pure faith. I didn't see any miraculous increase happen immediately, but that didn't deter me from standing on the Word of God concerning Him supplying every need that I had and never letting me down. As the weeks went on, I continued to put a demand on the power of God's Word and watched how God was blessing my income and saw gradual stretch with each paycheck.

One day, I decided to get on Zillow to see how much my house was worth just for humor. The last time I checked was last year and the worth of it had only increased by maybe a couple grand. The other week I went on and saw that my house had increased by $600 alone in the last 30 days and the total estimate of my home's value had increased by $16,000!! I check again today and the value has again increased by at least another $4,000! 

GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Even when I didn't see an instantaneous increase to my bank account, God provided increase in the value of my house which is WELL above what my house is definitely worth. I own a 1,362 sq ft home on 1.01 acres of land and it is estimated at a comparable price to larger homes in the neighborhood across the street from me. Not only that, but my previous employer (Memorial) sent me a check paying me for 2 hours of overtime they cheated me out of in the initial buyout by HCA and has the EXACT dates of when that happened. Even though it wasn't much, it was time, gas and earned money that they refused to give me back in March of this year that has finally been released to me! God is faithful when we not only tithe what belongs to Him, but GIVE in offerings as well. Every blessing may not be monetary, but it's a testament to God's character that He sees everything and honors our obedience.

My family WILL serve the Lord.

I married into a huge, close-knit family and it was something I cherished being that my family was not that way growing up. 6 years ago I was given a prophecy concerning my family. I was told that they would be in this House worshipping God together. 4 years after that my parents divorced, I was devastated and became depressed. My husband and I agreed together in prayer every time we went up for offering for family restoration and salvation. Recently my mom has been attending church every Sunday, and then my aunt, cousin, and grandmother.. there’s nothing like God’s goodness and faithfulness to His word and what HE says. He’s not finished yet! My family WILL serve the Lord.


He restores sight to the blind

October of 2015 I lost my sight. An ophthalmologist in Waycross, Ga diagnosed me with a detached retina, macular degenerative, cataracts, and in-vitro eye bleeding from diabetes. In addition, I discovered in October 2017 that the pills I was given to replace the insulin injections damaged my kidneys. My doctor told me that I was in jeopardy of going on dialysis.  
Pastor Brian's testimony about his kidneys helped me, I didn’t accept the diagnosis that I was given about my kidneys. Instead, I prayed, fasted, and drank water and received a different diagnosis in December of 2017. The doctor told me although the scale that they use to rate the deterioration of the kidneys only goes up in my case the scale went back and stabilized.
There was still the matter of my eyes. The first eye doctor’s appointment was delayed due to the snow. It was at the rescheduled appointment that the doctor informed me that my retinas were not detached. Instead, there was blood in my eyes and there was hope. Long story short, the doctors volunteered all services, operated on my left eye. What they said would be 14 days to heal has taken less than a week. Plus, they are talking positively about working on the right eye in 6 weeks. This entire ordeal has taught me humility, patience, and that when you have adversity trust in the joy of the Lord. God is Good To Me!

Shoulder Completely Healed

On Wednesday afternoon of last week I began having a pain in my left shoulder that intensified as the day went on. By the time I got home around 4pm I could not raise my arm without using the right hand to do so. By bedtime I had used heat, ice, a TENS unit and pain meds. Nothing worked! Thursday was more of the same pain, only now it was throbbing. Friday morning I went to see my primary care doctor who sent me to an Orthopedics. There, they did an x-ray which revealed a large bone spur on my shoulder. He stated that he believed that due to the size of the bone spur my Rotator Cuff was probably damaged. An MRI was requested for the following week to determine the extent of any damage; So more waiting and pain increasing. I was sleeping for 20 min to an hour at a time. Sunday morning, after 2 more days of meds I was able to move a little, still pain. At the end of the 11 o'clock service there was a call for those with shoulder pain. I came and could not lift my left hand for prayer. After receiving prayer and before the service was finished I could lift my arm all the way. 100% range of motion with NO PAIN!!! By the way, They did the MRI Monday and I went to Orthopedics Wednesday to see the doctor for the results. No problems noted on the MRI.... PRAISE GOD!!