"In the Middle of a Pandemic"

About 4/5 years ago we paid off all of our debts. We were debt free! We figured this was the perfect time to purchase our first home. We were so excited and knew that we would be approved but we were turned down again and again and again because we had not established any credit. Purchasing a home meant a lot to us because we had rented for years and wanted a house that was our own. We were crushed from the responses we got form lender after lender. We started to build up our credit to purchase our first home but then got in way over our heads in debt and ended up having to file for bankruptcy.

Fast forward to today — We haven’t tried to build up anymore credit. We have only been paying off our bankruptcy. I wasn’t really checking my credit score and I figured it was too pitiful to even look at so I just didn’t. A friend of ours from church encouraged us to be patient and try for the house again.

So, we did and on March 15th in the middle of a pandemic and despite the fact that we have a bankruptcy — my credit score went over the minimum requirements and we were approved for our first home. All I can say is — BUT GOD! This makes no Earthly sense. Everyone knows that a bankruptcy typically stays on your record for 7-10 years. I’ve heard people saying, “with something like that on your record it is impossible to purchase a home.”. BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Praise God! Thank you Jesus!