The World is getting all concerned…I can understand the World is getting all concerned with what they are seeing and what they are hearing. They are getting very concerned of what they hear the enemy is doing here and the enemy is doing there. They are saying, “what can our future be? What can our future be?”. They can see nothing but negative ahead for them. But it should not be that way with my children. It should not be that way with my children. Don’t forget the God that you serve! Don’t forget my power and my majesty. Don’t forget who I am. There is yet, there are yet, there are yet to be discovered things that I can do in the individual’s life. Take off the limit. Take off the limit. Take off the limit.
I shall demonstrate who I am. I shall demonstrate that I am the great I am. I shall do miracles that will baffle the entire world. I shall demonstrate who I am so that in every continent in every place in the whole world will see my power, will see my glory, will be in bewilderment, “what happened, who did this, how can this have been?” My children I will do it in your individual life. Take off the limits. Take off the limits! Don’t look at one another and think, “their testimony, oh that’s great, that’s wonderful,” and put a limit on it. Don't do that. I will do what you have not read about. I will do what you have not seen yet. I will do things that will bewilder you. I will do things that just will make you begin to shake underneath my power. I will demonstrate that there is no power like my power. The devil does not have power like I do. I will never let him outshine me. I will never let him out do me. My power is greater than his power. My love is greater. There is no love from him. But my love I shall demonstrate it individually. Individually. I shall invade your families. I shall invade your world. I shall invade your life. And I shall invade every continent on the face of this Earth. I don’t care if they dedicated their land to the devil. The devil never has the last word. In every place is my children. In every continent of the world there is a remnant that is crying out. I will answer their prayer. I will demonstrate even in their land who I am. Who I am. My power. My majesty. My love. My compassion. My strength and my working of miracles. Saith the Lord!