Prophetic Word given by Pastor Datha

The World is getting all concerned…I can understand the World is getting all concerned with what they are seeing and what they are hearing. They are getting very concerned of what they hear the enemy is doing here and the enemy is doing there. They are saying, “what can our future be? What can our future be?”. They can see nothing but negative ahead for them. But it should not be that way with my children. It should not be that way with my children. Don’t forget the God that you serve! Don’t forget my power and my majesty. Don’t forget who I am. There is yet, there are yet, there are yet to be discovered things that I can do in the individual’s life. Take off the limit. Take off the limit. Take off the limit.

Take off the limit. Take off the limit. Take off the limit.

I shall demonstrate who I am. I shall demonstrate that I am the great I am. I shall do miracles that will baffle the entire world. I shall demonstrate who I am so that in every continent in every place in the whole world will see my power, will see my glory, will be in bewilderment, “what happened, who did this, how can this have been?” My children I will do it in your individual life. Take off the limits. Take off the limits!  Don’t look at one another and think, “their testimony, oh that’s great, that’s wonderful,” and put a limit on it. Don't do that. I will do what you have not read about. I will do what you have not seen yet. I will do things that will bewilder you. I will do things that just will make you begin to shake underneath my power. I will demonstrate that there is no power like my power. The devil does not have power like I do. I will never let him outshine me. I will never let him out do me. My power is greater than his power. My love is greater. There is no love from him. But my love I shall demonstrate it individually. Individually. I shall invade your families. I shall invade your world. I shall invade your life. And I shall invade every continent on the face of this Earth. I don’t care if they dedicated their land to the devil. The devil never has the last word. In every place is my children. In every continent of the world there is a remnant that is crying out. I will answer their prayer. I will demonstrate even in their land who I am. Who I am. My power. My majesty. My love. My compassion. My strength and my working of miracles. Saith the Lord!

God can change the requirements of men!

“A couple of weeks ago when Pastor Lisa was preaching she mentioned reminding God of His promises. My son’s school was requiring him to attend Summer school because he had a 79 in one class. One point below the requirement. They were also threatening to make him repeat the school year because of his standardized testing. I started praying, “God remember what you said about your children that they will flourish , that we may be in this world but not of this world, that the requirements people of this world may have are not the same requirements that your children have. Because I belong to you and my children belong to you, you have the ability to change the rules and that my son will not have to go to summer school!” My husband went to the school and asked if there was anything that could be done. The school said that it was impossible because it was their policy and that he would have to approach the board of education. Summer school was suppose to start later this week. My husband got a call this morning from The school stating that as of yesterday the Georgia Board of Education CHANGED their promotion requirements and that my son has been promoted to the next grade and does not have to go to summer school! 🙌🏻 God is good to me!” 

God is not a respecter of persons. If He can do it for one, He can do it for you! Whatever you are believing God for today, continue to believe. His Word is the last and final word in your situation. 

Creative Miracles - Burn Victim

Ryan's aunt gives a testimony of her nephews recovery below. What she did not include is that he was the chef on duty at Outback Steakhouse in Savannah,GA the night a vehicle crashed through the wall of the kitchen causing grease to fly and a portion of the roof to cave in.

Several people were injured severely. Prior to being airlifted to Augusta's burn center due to the severity of his injuries, Ryan managed to remove one of his co-workers from the rubble and bring them to safety. He was placed on a ventilator at the hospital and is still in the process of recovering. 

"On February 16th my nephew Ryan was involved in the Outback incident in which he was burned severely. My sister Darlene and I went to see him at the burn center in Augusta on Feb. 23, his burn was so severe that we could not recognize his ear on the right side. We knew that an ear was supposed to be there but it was so imbedded within his head. All everyone was praying for was that God will do a creative miracle. When we went to see him on our second visit of the same day Darlene walked into his room and stopped, then she told me to look as well and all I could say was ooh we got an ear!!! His ear was restored. All Glory to God. Over the period of time God is still doing creative miracles in Ryan. Just recently in five day he want from blisters on his scalp to a beautiful head full of hair. God is good all the time."


"We have struggled with infertility for almost four years. That's why when we finally did get pregnant, it was crippling and devastating to turn around 3 short weeks later and have a miscarriage.

Fast forward 12 months to this past June. We were finally meeting with a highly recommended infertility specialist in Savannah. We were thrilled to get started, not really thinking that we would need anything drastic to begin the process. However, that joy quickly diminished as the doctor went over our lab results. We both had major factors contributing to our infertility. We were told that we only had a 2-5% chance that the treatments would work. However, our only other option was IVF, which got us up to a 65% chance. However, it's extremely expensive and we thought we wouldn't be able to afford it. We asked about waiting to save money for IVF, but once again it was highly discouraged since many of my levels that they measured were already a bad sign. We found out that there were loan options for IVF, so we quickly started filling them out and got approved! We'd be broke but at least we would have a chance at a baby.

Now, fast forward to Sunday and Pastor Datha was on a roll with her sermon and it was tugging at my heart. When she told us to open our mouth and speak what we needed from the Lord, I was scared to death to say what I really wanted...I wanted to get pregnant but not through IVF. I opened my mouth and for some weird reason I said, "Lord, I want to be pregnant before August 27th." I have no idea where that date came from but I knew if God were to do it, it would mean we would be getting pregnant without IVF (since I wasn't supposed to start the IVF process until this past week). I didn't tell a soul what I had prayed, I didn't want to be hurt if it didn't happen.

I had my first appointment for blood work and an ultrasound before starting IVF. They took my blood and everything looked good. The nurse said she would call once they got my blood work and then they'd call in my prescription. I went on home and started my usual homework routine. Then, at 2pm I got a call, but it was from the head nurse. I was confused and answered, "hello." She responded, "Hello this is Christa over at the infertility clinic. I just wanted to let you know we won't need to be starting you on any medication...
because you're already pregnant."

I collapsed on the floor...

God answered, Yahweh, the Almighty answered...I'm pregnant...without IVF and before August 27th!!!!!!! We were given a 2-5% chance but we were pregnant and He had given me her name!!! But God even went a step further...after freaking out in excitement with my husband once he got home, we really began looking back over the situation and how God's hand was in it. All of the sudden my husband got a questioning look on his face. He asked, "How far along are you?" Me: "The nurse guessed 4 weeks." He immediately looked at the date and said,

"Do you realize this means that the same week we had been told that we had practically no chance of having a baby on our own...we got pregnant." 

I'm so glad Pastor Datha had us speak out loud in because God certainly did move on our behalf in that moment. Thank You Jesus!"

*This couple is due to have their baby March 23rd. The dad is currently deployed. Believe with us that he will be able to come home just in time for the birth of his baby! 

I am healed!

"Last week, I had a bladder infection that was causing me some pain.  Saturday night, before Sundays service I could not sleep at all because of the amount of pain I was in. I had already taken all of the antibiotics that were supposed to have cured the infection so I was battling fear that it had spread to my kidneys. In the middle of the night I was thinking I cannot wait for this night to be over with so I can be in church.

During the 11am service the spirit of God was healing people throughout the entire place. I did not feel led to go down and get hands laid on me but our pastors encouraged us to receive what we needed from God even if our situation wasn't specifically called out! I said out loud, "whatever is going on with my body I receive my healing." 

After service the pain actually grew stronger but I continued to believe and confess that "I was healed." This morning (Monday morning) The pain in my sides is gone. My energy has returned. I AM HEALED! "

Supernatural provision and increase

"The Podcasts are very good.  Many years ago, when I first got saved, I was missing a lot. "The name it and claim it" gospel got me off track. I did not have the right understanding of the Word of God.  Now, thank the Lord, I have a better understanding of what that means.  I do not talk defeat and lack anymore.  It was really a powerful thing for God to open my eyes to the truth of His word. That I am blessed! I am blessed coming and going. In the city and country.  How much of a difference it has made in my life knowing the words I speak are the words I believe because I see them in His Word.

God spoke through Pastor Lisa and said that He would change my company's policy in order to make an increase in my pay.  I basically could not believe that because it had always been that way. But God! In the same way, I fell into a different category so my pay is in the section that I make the most at this time and will continue to get a yearly raise. How awesome is this!!  God has been so good to me.

  • My car is a 2004 and is not wearing out.
  • My grandchildren are expanding in their abilities and are reaching out for more of God.
  • I live in a house where before I lived in a trailer.  I always wanted to live in a house.
  • I am able to take care of my grands We all eat, have clothes and shoes.  We all are blessed. 
  • My son is in jail and has made a commitment to serve Jesus, he said he was finally tired of running from him. Praise The Lord!
  • I have access to listen to the word through the seed church app making it so very easy to listen to past weeks and also have found Kenneth Hagin on youtube.  

So, yes, I am blessed. Thank you Pastor Lisa for standing where God called you, give us the truth, keep up the great work of God.

love you bunches!"

Healing of the Kidneys

"I first want to thank God for being in a Church with leaders that can hear the voice of God. A few weeks ago, Pastor Datha was led to pray for my kidneys, ( I had a kidney transplant seven years ago); but I was not aware of any issues. About a week later, both Pastor Datha and Pastor Lisa were ministering to people who had health issues that involved monitoring numbers. There were so many people blessed by that prophetic word ! To make a long story short, I received two more prophetic words about my health, and again, I was not aware of an issue. Pastor Datha also told me that she was believing God for a Creative Miracle for me. Fast forward another week and it was time for a scheduled Doctor's appointment, that was preceded by the usual labs. My doctor began to ask me lots of questions, and I have known him for a while, so I figured something was going on. He finally told me that the lab numbers were off, and my kidney function was abnormal. Because of the awesomeness of my God, I am confident that all is well !! Due to the transplant I have to take immunosuppressive drugs three times a day, and these drugs (like all drugs) can cause many other issues. Last week, I felt led to start quoting healing scriptures out loud three times a day. We had an amazing service on this past Sunday, and experienced a powerful move of God. On Monday, I noticed the first sign of a physical change in my body. Praise God !! You see, I am believing God for a Creative Miracle. Mark 10:27 With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible."


Healing in the lungs

"On first Wednesday when Pastor Lisa called for people that needed healing in their bodies I did not walk up I almost ran I knew in my Heart this was God calling me  to be healed. Pastor Lisa had already prayed for me concerning my Pulmonary Embolism a couple of moths earlier and I knew that moment I would never have another one.

I was still having problems breathing when I walked to far, even grocery shopping was a chore.  Well as soon as Pastor Lisa placed her Hands on me it was like a wave of oxygen flooded my lungs. To be honest I waited to say anything to anyone due to wanting to make sure i was not imagining this but 2 week later I can still take a deep breath and it does not hurt and my lungs are full." 

Pain is Gone

"Friday morning I was laying in bed about to get up and go pray. All of a sudden I started having severe abdominal pain. I haven’t felt pain like that since child labor. I started thinking what in the world is going on. And then the words that I should say came up out of me Out of my Spirit. I plead the blood of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus!!! Now I was thinking to say a healing scripture. I never plead the blood for healing before but that came out of my Spirit instead. As I said it the pain went away. Every time I said it the pain subsided more and more. I got up pain free, Praise God!!! God is amazing!!!"

Peace and Direction

"Many times we have heard Pastor Lisa preach that we need to be in the house. That was never more evident for me until this past Sunday. I have been under a constant barrage of attacks for 9 months. I was walking with an incorrect immature attitude. I sat there feeling extremely pressured and as Pastor Lisa began to preach the Lord revealed to me the direction in which I needed to walk and an amazing peace flooded my soul. My strength began to be restored and my soul quieted.

Only with my family in corporate praise, worship and prayer did that take place."

Divine Favor At Work

"I recently received a promotion that came with a raise I was pleased to learn was significantly higher than I expected.  I soon learned that my new duties were also much higher than I expected.  After awhile, I determined the increased workload and stress were not worth the amount of the raise. I prayed everyday that God would give me the knowledge, skills and abilities to handle the increased responsibilities.  I became discouraged many times. But through prayer, faith messages, the Word and the people God sent across my path continuously, He reminded me that He has my back.  After several months, senior leadership concluded it was too much for one person and handed my duties off to a team of others.  A team of four or five people now share the workload I carried by myself. My workload is now much lighter and though there was an attempt to demote me to my previous position, God intervened. My new responsibilities are much easier to manage, the raise is intact and I am no longer constantly stressed and losing sleep. In short, I got my joy back. God is good to me!"


God is Provider

My year end bonus was approaching and my manager pulled me to the side before leaving the office to go over my performance for that quarter and also positive points and where I can improve. He started the conversation out with positive high notes and points and then went to where I can make improvements. All I was hearing and focused on was the improvements and I was starting to get a litttle discouraged and wondering how the meeting was going to end and where I was going to fall in the bonus pool. At the end of the meeting he handed me a sticky note with the amount of my bonus for the last quarter of 2017, I looked at it and had to take a second look. At first I thought it was $1300 dollars, second look I was almost in tears and over joyed! The actual amount was $13,000!!!!! But God!  2018 has started of as a year of blessing’s and financial stream lines for our family and we are only one and a half months into 2018. Our God is truly an amazing God!

God is Healer

We are beginning a blog as a way for you to share all God is doing in your life and also be encouraged by others. The testimonies below were submitted just this week. Make sure to share a story of God's goodness in your life to help impact the lives of others. 

I no longer have pain in my body
my tooth that had become loose and my swollen gums are healed
I had vision issues from an old head injury where lights would appear when my eyes would look to the side. No more issues. My vision is clear.