God's math is different than ours...At the end of every year, we check our tithing/giving record as we want to see how our giving has changed from the previous year. As 2020 was different, what we saw wasn't expected. You see, my salary had dropped significantly as I was furloughed due to COVID, because business had dropped. When we found out that I was going to be furloughed, I decreed "WE WILL GIVE OUR WAY OUT OF THIS." We became very intentional about our sowing & giving to the church, other ministries, and to people, especially taking care to give immediately whenever God told us to give something out of the ordinary. As the year went on, the lower salary from the reduced hours was not very noticeable, and in fact, our standard of living INCREASED. We were able to do things that we had not been able to before. As I compared the giving record from 2019 and 2020, the amount from 2020 was SIGNIFICANTLY higher!!! AND that's not even including the amount we were able to give outside of the church and to people. Its mind boggling trying to figure this out, HOW do you lose salary and increase your lifestyle and giving at the same time??? My math didn't work BUT GOD'S DID. I give HIM the praise for this, it was all Him! All we did was follow the Word. Isaac sowed in famine and reaped an abundant harvest, its no different today, HIS WORD WORKS!!!