$31,232 Debt Paid Off!

As we worshipped on Sunday, the lyrics “the winter storms made way for spring, in every season…” jumped alive in my spirit. In the fall of 2018, my husband and I were standing on the Word for provision and to pay off substantial debt. In the natural, it looked bleaker than ever. A rental property was in its 4th month vacant and the mortgage still had to be paid. In my prayer time as I meditated on the season of fall, the Lord reminded me that He is the source in every season of my life. I wrote in my prayer journal, “Different processes and different seasons, but God is the constant source of life and growth.” Through continuing to give and unexpected income, we made it through that season. However, the accumulated debt was still there. In 2019, we made progress with paying a bit extra on monthly payments but in the natural it still seemed insurmountable. My husband was working mostly 7 days a week, we had budgeted, I worked extra hours...in the natural we were doing our part. We never stopped giving and challenged ourselves to give more. Our confession became “free to give and free to go.”

Then came 2020...a season like no other! In January, we made a monthly faith pledge to give to the building fund and to several missionaries. The Lord set us up in February, even before the pandemic began, with unexpected premium rental income. April to Sept brought extra “unemployment” income and stimulus check income. July brought release from my husband’s second job, but he walked away with “buy-out” income. We increased our giving AND started knocking out debt every month. By November we had paid off $31,232 in debt. Only God can do that in a season like 2020! “Different processes and different seasons, but God IS the constant source of life and growth.” I have to testify of the evidence of His goodness in every season of my life!