No Longer Dependent

I had been on and off of Adderall for the past 13 years. The withdrawals were already hitting me on a day to day basis before I even decided to get off the medication. By the time 5 pm rolled around everyday I was experiencing extreme fatigue, foggy thinking, and foggy memory. The long term negative effects were already exceeding the benefits that it once had. It had become a codependence on this drug, because I felt like I couldn’t wake up without first taking my Adderall. I spent most Saturdays unable to get out of bed because I wouldn’t take the medication and didn’t feel like I could even function without it. I was coming up on my yearly doctor's appointment and was already thinking of what would happen because I was already feeling so terrible by the end of the day but I was almost to the maximum dosage available. What would happen if I went to the highest available dosage and it didn’t work? That was a very big issue because Adderall is considered a high-class drug due to its addictive tendencies. Back in July, we had a guest speaker during SeedChicks. At this meeting, Pastor Datha gave a word about someone needing to not take a prescription medicine. I wasn’t able to go down because I was playing the piano, so I thought I’d missed my moment. Then, sometime around November 9th I think, there was a minister that was flowing in the gifts of the Spirit and giving words of knowledge. She was speaking to another woman about another prescription drug not pertaining to mine but as she spoke to the woman, my spirit was stirred and I knew that God was dealing with me about getting off of this medication. I know that God instantly and supernaturally delivered me from this medication once before several years ago so I knew that this was possible for God to do. But when I heard her talking about this medication and God wanting to set that particular woman free I knew this was God dealing with me. So whenever she spoke to the lady and said Get that medicine out of your house, I knew she was also talking to me. I was taking 30 mg of Adderall XR daily plus 20 mg of the immediate release of Adderall daily, so I was taking 50 mg of Adderall every day in order to function. I had two unopened bottles of Adderall XR that I threw out. God, in that moment, showed me where this would have been a hindrance to where He wanted to take me. The next day, I decided to go cold turkey because I knew if God was dealing with me to get off this medication, He would give me a special grace to get through this. I still took 10 mg of the immediate release because I knew if I had taken any more than that, it would have been more challenging to get off. The next day, I didn’t take anything at all. By Thursday, even though I felt really bad physically, I felt the best mentally with the clearest thinking I’ve had in years! Finally, by the time that Saturday rolled around, I went to Pastor Lisa at an event we had outside of church and told her, “This is the best I’ve felt in years!” In the space of about three days, God completely delivered me from my Adderall medication! I threw out the remainder of my medicine and am now feeling the best and think the best and having the most energy that I’ve ever had! I give God all the glory! He is a healer! He not only heals but restores and He is the God who delivers!