Day 3: Release the Secret Weapon

Release the Secret Weapon
Pastor Dennis Maddox

“And whenever you stand praying, if you find that you carry something in your heart against another person, release him and forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also release you and forgive you of your faults.”

- Mark 11:25 TPT

This is the perfect time to allow God to purify our lives from any resentment, past hurts, or any grudges we may be holding on to. We’ve all had people that have either hurt us or brought disappointment to our lives. And let’s be honest, we’ve done the same to other people. As the father of division, the devil would love for you to constantly meditate on the flaws of others and to develop a critical spirit. Isn’t it amazing that the price has been paid for both our forgiveness and the forgiveness of others? The Greek word for forgiveness in Mark 11:25 is Apehiemi. It means to send away, to take away, or to release. 

If you truly forgive and release someone's offense, then you are able to look at them through the eyes of Jesus. It’s your choice. Here are some ways to apply:

Instead of judgement — choose mercy. 

Instead of criticism — give them instruction.

Instead of being cynical — be optimistic.

Instead of constant suspicion — give them an opportunity to be trusted.

Remember Peter denied Jesus three times! Yet he went on to be used mightily in the book of Acts. What if the other disciples decided to not forgive him?

Paul persecuted Christians and was even responsible for the stoning of Stephen. After his conversion, he went on to write two-thirds of the New Testament. I’m sure he ran into a lot of skepticism from other believers. What if the apostles chose to not accept him?

John Mark left Paul and Barnabas on their first Missionary trip causing division between Paul and Barnabas. Mark went with Barnabas but later on in life was reunited with Paul. Because of his training with Paul and the other apostles, Mark was able to write the Gospel of Mark. What if Paul had not forgiven him? Looking through the eyes of men, Paul had every right to not forgive him.

Remember, we look through the eyes of Jesus. Pray and release the secret weapon of forgiveness and look at your world differently today! 

Pastor Dennis