Day 2: Conditioning Your Heart For Fasting

In the world that we live in it seems that everything we do or have requires that we follow certain conditions. Manufacturers have conditions on their products that must be met in order for their designs to be successful.

Conditions or instructions are intended for us to follow to get the full benefit of a product. If those conditions are not followed, then we put ourselves in jeopardy of the product not operating as the manufacturer designed.

There is a reason that you see road signs in the mountains that say, “Sharp Curve Ahead”. If we don’t pay attention to those conditions, there is a good chance we will run off the mountain causing harm to ourselves and others.

Well, we just had Christmas and my wife decided (on her own) to order a kitchenette online for our granddaughter. Needless to say, it came unassembled and it appeared to have 1,000 pieces. I thought I was through with putting gifts together and especially toys with so many parts. Well, this kitchenette required that I follow 16 steps to complete. Somehow during the assembly process I skipped steps 8 through 10. I failed to follow the steps in order! I had to disassemble and go back to step 4 and start again. Therefore, it took twice as long to complete the kitchenette. If only I had stuck to the manufacturer’s instructions, I would have saved so much time and energy.

Fasting also has conditions. For us to have the results that we are praying and fasting for we must first follow the conditions found in God’s Word. When we pray and fast we must meet these conditions in order to experience the rewards of fasting.

The key is to be operating in the love of God to see results.

The Bible says in Proverbs 6:16-19 that the Lord detests 7 things: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who sows discord in a family.

So as you continue your fast make sure you get rid of all unforgiveness, bitterness, strife, gossip and any other thing that keeps you from operating in your love walk with God.

Don’t give the devil any room to destroy what you are fasting & believing for. Get all God has for you. His reward is well worth it!

Pastor Kempie