Wow! Reading these chapters and keeping in mind all God has done in our last two services is amazing. Last Sunday, God instructed us to use our faith and pick up the spoils of war and take back all the enemy had stolen. This Sunday, as the altar was filled with people praising God, all of Heaven was open to us. The gift of healing was in operation. All we were instructed to do was — receive!
What Jesus did for us on the cross was the final say when it comes to our salvation and the healing of every single disease — it is finished, it is done! That’s enough for us to just stop and rejoice right here, right now.
“When you receive forgiveness of sins or healing of any disease, you fulfill in your life what God accomplished before the world began.” - p.97
“With your empty hand of faith, reach out and receive what God provided for you through the cross of Jesus, forgiveness of every sin and healing of every disease” - p.98
I love how Pastor Bob illustrates grace as God’s hand reaching out to us to give us everything that we need and faith is our hand simply reaching out to receive. He has provided everything that we need.
In Luke 4:16-22, Jesus read from Isaiah in reference to what He was prepared to do right then and right there:
To preach the gospel to the poor (In the natural and spiritual) He was made poor so that we might be made rich, he bore our poverty!
To heal the brokenhearted (emotional healing including depression, confusion, bitterness, anger, etc)
To deliver and set the captives free from demonic control
To recover sight for the blind
To set at liberty those who are bruised (emotional scars from past relationships or circumstances of abuse)
To preach the acceptable year of the Lord - the Year of Jubilee!
All of this was theirs for the taking in that very moment in the synagogue. Isn’t it amazing that at first they “marveled at the gracious words that proceedeth out of his mouth…” (Luke 4:22) but then their natural way of thinking began to creep in — why would He call this the year of Jubilee? They knew that in the natural that wasn’t right, it was still years off according to the calendar.
I don’t know about you but I want to be open to receive every single benefit God has already provided! I believe that this is the year of jubilee!
Jubilee was a time for all possessions to return to the original owners, a cleansing of the national economy, to right all property violations that had occurred to individuals and families during the previous fifty years. p.107
“In this year of Jubilee, each of you shall return to his possessions”
This is our year of jubilee! I want to encourage you like Pastor Bob said, “Go to the property office of God’s Word” and claim what is yours. Take back every single thing Satan has attempted to steal from you and declare a year of Jubilee for our Nation, over our church, over your families, and over every area of your life. This is jubilee!
Do you have something you would like to share from these chapters? Do you have a testimony to share? Join us on our facebook group and get ready to continue to dive into God’s Word together!