Grace! Such a misunderstood word today. The bottom line is that it is by grace that we are saved and by grace that we live. Grace empowers us to live a holy life. As Rick Renner says, "Likewise, if you have been touched by God's grace - and as a believer, you have been touched by this grace - you should expect His grace to visibly show up in many areas of your life as an outcome. Grace will empower you to have victory over sin. It will enable you to control your tongue. And it will transform you as its influence changes your behavior."
“Through him, God has enriched your church in every way—with all of your eloquent words and all of your knowledge.”
But there is more to this grace. One of the outward signs is the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in and through you. That is what the Bible calls being "spiritually wealthy." We too can be enriched with gifts of the Spirit, like tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. We can also operate in word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits. What God did among the people in the Church at Corinth, He can, will, and is doing for us!