I am so grateful that I grew up in a church that not only believed in but allowed the present- day gifts of the Holy Spirit. These supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are crucial to the work of God. There is nothing like hearing a word from God to really reinforce God's love for us.
Reading about the city at Corinth reminds me of our very own Savannah. We have some similarities such as - rebuilding after a war, being a port city, recognized for events that promote drunken debauchery like St. Patrick's Day, and we have become an attraction to the film industry. A set up for immorality.
““So the church was full of believers dealing with sexual sin, alcohol abuse, competition among themselves, and people taking advantage of one another.” ”
Wow, that sounds like us! So we are in company. In spite of al the carnality they had to deal with, the gifts of the spirit still operated. It is for this reason the gifts are so important as they reveal the sin in our life that we need to get rid of. All 9 of the gifts are used to mature us. These gifts are important to the church so that everything God wants accomplished on this Earth will be done.
Remember, we are supernatural people who serve a supernatural God. Thank Him today for the Holy Spirit and His gifts.