I set out to purchase a car in Lake City Sunday after church, after purchasing the car
I got on the interstate heading home and started coughing. After that I have no memory whatsoever of driving all the way to Bushnel, Fl. I have no idea how far that is from lake city to Bushnell, FL but I believe at least 100 miles when I checked the map. Because of the time that it took to get there I believe I was going the speed limit, however, no memory to that part of the day or of that drive until I was parked at a gas station. I remember being on the phone with my daughter who thought I was joking with her as she took me to get the new car and when we parted ways in Lake City everything was fine. After that, I remember getting on the interstate then sitting at a gas station on the phone with her which was about 1 1/2 hours later so confused about how I got there and how I was in a strange car. She then called my sister who was the closest to me after realizing something was wrong as we talked on the phone. At that Moment I had no memory of the previous four days.
I was so thankful that I had not killed someone as I got out of my car (which I did not realize it was mine at the time) and there was miraculously nothing wrong with the car not a scratch anywhere so I had not hurt someone or I was not dead in a car accident.
So my family made the decision to get me checked out at the ER.
I got to the hospital with head ache, my left arm hurting, and still confusion.
I was admitted to the hospital into the ICU.
Heart labs and blood pressure were off. So we got all the tests that could be scheduled I thought and headache eased off. The next few days got test after test echo car diagram ekg spinal tap heart cath and labs over and over.
I was healthy as I could be and blood pressure back to normal all test showed nothing damaged no stroke no heart attack nothing they thought was wrong but no test showed anything was wrong. Blood pressure was normalized and confusion was gone!
So miracle after miracle and creative miracle after creative miracles that day
I think about that drive and know God did that for me.
I think about the hospital and what God did that day for me.
I think about the condition of my physical body and what God did for me.
The days that followed, the tests that were ran, the report that was given, and the report that the physicians thought they would be giving — God showed us all!
I have no doubt what the enemy meant for evil God and I said, “Devil no not today!” One thing I remember saying to my daughter when I called was, “God is good to Patty” and I did not even realize how good (at the time) but I knew He was good!
Long testimony I know but not quite over when the medical report was given and lined up with Gods word what a miracle and God was not done!The business office came by and one more miracle was to be had — I was given no charge for any of my visit from the ER to the ICU the hospital said no charge!
Thank you church for showing me and helping me receive the blessing of the Lord
Knowing by faith I will believe and receive the report of the Lord in every area of my life