Custody of children & freedom from drugs!

In 2012 a seed was planted when I was invited to the seed church at the time I wasn’t aware of how much my new church family would impact my life. I struggled with drug addiction from around 2012-2019 . During that time frame I’d lost my two children to the state from 2017-2019. I remember sitting in jail begging God for a second chance. I got out of jail went to rehab I was told that since it has been 3 years that I wouldn’t be able to get my children back. But GOD told me to join family treatment court and I listen for the first time in my life! After I signed that minimum of 2 year contract I was told by the director that I had a court hearing 4 days later for my rights to be terminated but since I joined the program all that was canceled! 6 months later I was granted full custody of both of my children! In 2020 my sponsor brought me and my children back to the seed church where we have been every Sunday since! This year I married into the family that planted that seed so many years ago. We recently took the freedom classes together and it was the best most freeing feeling I’ve ever felt! Without a doubt I now know that God had a plan all along and I truly believe i am fulfilling his plan for my life! I am forever grateful for the seed church and my church family 🥰