A few weeks ago during the service with our guest speaker, Pastor Jim Herring, I was really nervous about going up front for my healing but I knew I needed to. When Pastor Jim got to me, he said, “God wants you to know — it's not as hard as you're making it!". When he said that I took a deep breath and I felt a warm sensation moving over my chest warming my lungs. I knew at that moment I was receiving my healing. Since that service it has been so much easier to breathe. I'm not getting winded like I was.
Then during a Sunday service a friend referred me to a person and encouraged me to call them for a job interview. I was not even looking for a new job BUT GOD!!
I set an interview for that Monday at 4:00pm. At 4:15pm I had a new job that is closer to my home and an increase in pay. I was not even looking. I had a close friend that reminded me that I have been faithful and it is God being faithful to me!
Now I get to be faithful with more. This is a new season. I am thanking Him every day for all He has done!