He knows our deepest desires and hears the cries of our heart

God and His faithfulness has carried us through it all! He’s just THAT good. Even through the Covid-19 Pandemic... we can still shout “But God!”

What could have been a season of lacking, it was a season of abundance & overflow! I will take you back to before COVID started: At the time I was pregnant with our second baby, and so very wanted a job where I could work from home so that I could be with the baby and spend the most precious and fleeting moments with her. I prayed about it continuously and confessed the job was mine every time we paid our tithes. It was something I have always wanted for our family. With this remote position, I asked God to let the transition be smooth and to allow it be someone that I know personally to get my foot in the door. It was only a week later, a friend called and mentioned that there was a remote position that needed to be filled and asked if I was interested. With my degree and qualifications, I was able to ask for a higher pay. My immediate answer was yes! Two weeks later I leave my current job and began my training. Want to know the best part of it all? This new job is an $8 pay raise... working from home! Thank you Jesus! He knows our deepest desires and hears the cries of our heart.

Fast forward to maternity leave, I went without a paycheck for 7 weeks. There was only one income, but we continued to tithe and believe God for the supernatural. Things were tight, but God always provided for our family. With one child attending daycare, we soon found ourselves late and very behind on our monthly payments. A few weeks go by and we receive an email that the debt was completely paid off by an anonymous person. Talk about supernatural blessings! We have experienced nothing but increase and favor at every turn!

Just this month, we have been approved for a loan in buying our first home and will be closing on it at the end of this month! Still shouting... “BUT GOD!!”