Have you noticed that every time the presence of God is manifested there is conviction of sin and repentance? As people experience the forgiveness of their sins, the love of God consumes them. The result — transformation! Love, joy, praise, and compassion is manifested and it not only changes the individual, it changes the community!
We are not to desire gifts just for the supernatural, we are to desire them to save the lost. Our goal should be that of Charles Finney’s, ”to see repentance and faith established in people’s lives…” (p. 191) He wanted people to recognize, “the difference between the substance of revival and the effect of revival”. (p. 194) What we should see from revival is salvation and transformation.
When God moves, when we experience His presence in our services, let’s heed the advice of Charles Spurgeon, “Dear friends, we have had the Spirit of God here very manifestly tonight; let us go home, and take care not to lose His gracious influences.” (p. 204)
“Worship is not something we do for an hour on Sunday — it is a lifestyle.”
If we want to experience a great move of God and to operate freely in the gifts of the Spirit, we must have these seven vital factors in our life.
R.A Torrey, associate of D.L Moody, wrote that Moody:
Was a Fully Surrendered Man
Was a Man of Prayer
Was a Deep and Practical Student of the Bible
Was a Humble Man
Was Entirely Free from the Love of Money
Had a Consuming Passion for the Salvation of the Lost
Was Endued with Power from on High
These 7 factors (p.218) are why God used D.L. Moody, and why He will use us.
“I firmly believe that if we had this building filled with men and women expecting the Pentecostal power, we would get it. I believe if this building was filled with men and women hungry for the Spirit of God, we would have this place shaken, and there would be an influence let not only in this land, but in foreign lands. It wouldn’t take long to reach the whole world. Talk about twenty years. It needn’t take twenty years if the Church of God is baptized and quickened.” - D.L. Moody (p. 221)
Let’s get busy expecting that Pentecostal fire in us to ensure everyone comes to the knowledge of Jesus Christ!