When it comes to finances and giving it seems, in the words of Kenneth Hagin, "Some people’s minds are like cement: thoroughly mixed and set.” Many don’t like to discuss the subject of money, but God has a lot to say about it. What we fail to understand is that God determines our love for Him through our giving or our generosity.
Before we go further, let’s talk about the word generosity. Generosity is not a specific dollar amount, it is directly proportional to what you have. For example:
Paul makes $200 per week and gives $20 per week to his church.
Jim makes $2,000 per week and gives $120 per week to his church.
Jim may give more each week but in God’s eyes, Paul is giving generously.
“You see, words are cheap - easily spoken. If a person really loves the Lord, what He does with His money would reflect that deep love for Him.”
Giving to God is not a quick/throw something in the plate act. What we give in addition to the tithe should be a well planned, thought out, and prayed over act. Each time we walk up to the altar and bring our giving and present it to the Lord, we are literally building an altar. With obedience to give, God makes a promise to us -
“ Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
“God promises to open the windows of Heaven over generous givers — pour out immeasurable blessings on those who willingly give Him the tithe, or the tenth of all their increase.” - p. 270
During this Covid-19 virus raining chaos and uncertainty, I have watched you, with hearts ablaze, continue to give generously. You have unselfishly met needs and have given us the opportunity to bless other churches and Pastors.
Continue to give, give generously and watch the windows of Heaven open unto you — pour blessings upon you, rain miracles on you, and give you peace!
Do you have a testimony of giving and watching the provision of God move and work in your life? We’d love to share it with others! Click the link below or share on our facebook group.