We are to be salt and light to this world, our lives should drive out darkness and push back the enemy. But if we are not salted and fueled then we will not have enough power for either one.
So far we have talked about:
Ablaze with God’s Word
Ablaze with Prayer
Ablaze with the Holy Spirit
Ablaze with Worship
Ablaze with Generosity
Ablaze with Holiness
Ablaze with Humilty
Ablaze under Authority
Today we wrap up with our last chapter on becoming ablaze with the Fear of the Lord!
“Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings - all for those who honor and worship you! ”
Fear can be healthy and it protects us. When we have a healthy fear (respect for the ability and power) of God, it “…protects us from sin, it keeps us from wrong behaviors, it saves us from wrong behaviors, and it saves us from the effects of bad choices.”
The story of Ananias and Sapphira as well as David and Uzzah show that the presence of God must be feared and honored. As we pray for the presence of God to saturate our churches and our life, as we pray for revival, we need to understand that we must pray that we never mishandle it.
“Never forget — there are spiritual laws that must be obeyed if you want to be blessed. If you respect and handle God’s Word and His power correctly, you will receive great blessing as a result. But if you choose to disobey, ignore, sidestep, or disrespect tHis truth, His presence, and His power, the same power that could help you may bring you a sever correction or even judgement. This is simply the way it works.” - p. 422
Are you ablaze with the fear of Lord?
Do I truly reverence the presence and the power of God in my life?
Do I show that I am respectful of God’s presence and power by my daily actions and choices?
Do I really walk in the fear of the Lord as the Bible commands me — or have I become too casual with God? Have I slipped in my understanding of His mighty power and the holy life He has called me to live?