Pastor Lisa has asked our worship Pastor, Dennis Maddox to blog about the 5th Chapter: Ablaze with Worship today! Thanks so much for continuing to follow along. Make sure to respond and engage about this chapter on our facebook group:
First of all I’m so grateful to have Pastors who allow us to worship in Spirit and Truth. Secondly, for church members who long for the presence of God and are ready to engage in worship every week. Let’s see what we can learn from this chapter to go deeper in our worship!
“When the atmosphere is charged with the Presence of God during those times of worship, a door is opened to a spiritual dimension, allowing revelation to flood into our receptive hearts and minds”
I think it’s interesting that Rick Renner states that that the concept for writing every book he has written has come to him through times of praise and worship. Pastor Lisa was telling me this morning that God talks to her the most when she is in a place of worship. To me, nothing can get us in the presence of God quicker than worship. It’s addictive- in a good way and it’s irreplaceable.
“ I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth that is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.” - A.W. Tozer
In fact in John 4 Jesus states that the Father is looking hard, searching, and seeking for those who would worship Him in Spirit and truth. It’s still baffling to me how the Creator of the Universe, the God of Heaven and Earth is seeking us to worship Him. He wants and longs for an audience with us! You might as well start on your eternal occupation now. What are we waiting for? I assure you that all of this praising is not for nothing.
I love how he breaks down the greek word for Worship - Proskuneo. Worship really is loving God in the most vulnerable position. To borrow a phrase, “to dance like nobodies watching, to sing like nobodies listening (except God).” Later in the chapter he talks about the glory. The greek word for that is Naos. The meaning of this is that we are literally a walking Sanctuary. Ps 22:3 tells us that he inhabits (or sits or is resting on top of) our praise. That’s what happens when we worship God together on Sunday. The glory falls like dew in the morning. It’s moisture is always available but only falls when we seek Him unashamed and unabated.
The different styles and different sounds section is something I’m glad he touched on. Our church is multi-cultural and multigenerational. We are a unique part of the Body of Christ, but so is every church (or they should be). Think about that for a minute. What we have in our church is what the world really wants but can’t do. Different races, different generations, different cultures brought together with one common goal- to Worship Him! Thank you Jesus for the tool of Praise and Worship!
We love you Lord!
Dennis Maddox
What are your thoughts on praise and worship? Share with us on the group!