Just recently someone said to me, “Every time I see a picture of you preaching, you look so passionate and energetic.” Yes, I am really passionate when I preach because I am THAT passionate about Jesus. I wish everyone could understand this incredible relationship we have with and in Jesus.
I take Romans 12:1 seriously, “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.” (AMP) This passion is exactly what Rick Renner is talking about in our newest book, A Life Ablaze. It’s important that we don’t take this passion for granted. We must do everything we can to keep this fire burning within us. It doesn’t just happen and it has to keep being fueled. Paul told Timothy to “stir up the gift”. If we are told to stir up the fire of God inside of us, there must be tools or things we can do to keep the fire stirred and ablaze for God.
“When fuel of any kind is depleted, fire eventually goes out”
Before we begin we must take some time to evaluate where we are (p.22):
look inside yourself
determine your fuel supply
do whatever you must to stir your spiritual embers
keep your fire burning
This evaluation of yourself should never stop. Many times I stop and do a self-check. Am I stirring up the gift inside of me? Am I fueling the passion and the power? Have I gotten too busy with other things? Has the fire gotten low?
“Spirit filled souls are ablaze for God. They love with a love that glows. They serve with a faith that kindles. They serve with a devotion that consumes. They hate sin with fierceness that burns. They rejoice with a joy that radiates. Love is perfected in the fire of God.”
If we are to be ablaze with spiritual fire — we must use the tools God has given us to feed this fire and keep it hot and growing. This week we are looking at the first tool — God’s Word.
A consistent intake of the Word of God is a must. The Word of God itself is fire. John Stott said, “We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to understand our complacency, and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.” (p. 37)
The Word of God will permanently transform a life because His Word is the life giving presence of God. It renews our mind, changes our thinking, gives us wisdom for living, and energizes us to live this overcoming life:
“Spiritual fire is directly equal to the amount of how much God’s Word he plants in his heart!” (Page 40)
Think About It
Question #2 (read the full description & question on page 28)
Are you trying to live today based on the memories of your spiritual state yesterday?Question #1 ( read the full description & question on page 59)
When you are faced with challenges or life decisions, does the Bible hold the preeminent influence and authority in your life or do you confer with people and search out trending opinions? Do you neglect to read the Bible daily because you think you don’t have time for it? Your answers to these questions are a direct link to the level of power you are experiencing in your own walk with God.
Reading Schedule
March 2nd Week 1 - Chapters 1 & 2
March 9th Week 2 - Chapter 3
March 16th Week 3 - Chapter 4
March 23rd Week 4 - Chapters 5 & 6
March 30th Week 5 - Chapter 7
April 6th Week 6 - Chapter 8
April 13th Week 7 - Chapter 9
April 20th Week 8 - Chatpers 10 & 11
April 27th Week 9 - Conclusion & Announcing our next book!