Last week we discovered that the number one way we are led by the Spirit is the inward witness. That inward leading and guiding on the inside of us. God promises that each of His children can know and be led by His Spirit. The second way we are led is by the inward voice which is referring to our conscience or that still small voice.
The key is to have a good conscience and not a bad one. If you are born again, your spirit has been created into a brand new being where the Spirit of God now resides. This means that the old you, the bad conscience, has been replaced with a good conscience or a God-like conscience. We can follow and trust that inward voice now that we are born again!
“And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men and brothers, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day. ”
“Oh! If people would learn to follow their spirits! If they would learn to take advantage of the life that is in them!” Our lives would be so much less trouble and less chaos if we would only stop and listen to that still small voice trying to lead and guide us. The Spirit of God is now within us and our spirit man has been recreated! Our recreated spirit has the nature of God and will not steer us wrong. We can trust our recreated conscience.
The Spirit of God within us doesn’t just lead and direct us but also changes every part of us. The way we think, the way we learn, and even the way we react! Didn’t you love the story of Mary? God changed everything about her — her looks, her behavior, and her intelligence. That is the power of God!
I am so thankful for the leading of the Holy Spirit! I will never forget the night I received a phone call from my mother with life altering news for our family and for the ministry. It was at that moment, I heard a still small voice within me, that leading of the Holy Spirit speak, “You can’t go back to the hospital.” I hung up the phone and said those words to my husband, Kempie. In the natural I really didn’t know all that leaving my job at the hospital would entail. I just knew my life was about to change and no matter how scary it was, I had to obey.
As I look back to that night, I cannot imagine where my life would be right now if I had not obeyed and instead continued working at the hospital, a career I had built for over 20 years. What if I would’ve given in to my natural thoughts, feelings, or the opinions of others? Thank you God for the leading of the Holy Spirit!
What has He asked you to do?
How has He led you?
Visit the facebook group and share an instance where you know you were being led by that still small voice!