“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
You were written in God’s book before you were ever born. Our bodies are a gift from God and He has given us the power over them and the ability to control them. Our bodies were made to display the glory of God. Our mouths are used to tell others about Him, to speak for Him, and our hands are used to help those in need. Dr. Yeomans lists what that the Bible says about man’s body on p. 286 taken from 1 Corinthians 6:13-20.
It is the Lord’s. He claims it for Himself.
He loves it so much that He is going to raise it from the dead.
It is a member of Christ.
It is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
It was bought with a price.
When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to take those who are in Jesus to be forever with Him, their bodies are to be changed and made like unto His glorious body.
(I John 3:2, I Corinthians 15:52-53)
If we obey the book of instructions on how use the bodies God has given us, we will be renewed like the Eagle. If we don’t, the book of instruction tells us that sin invites sickness and death. BUT GOD! In His grace and mercy he has given us medicine (His Word).
He sent out his word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death.
- Psalm 107:20
In her book, Dr. Yeomans tells the story of a lady who had a large family who was always sick. It seemed they went from one sickness to another, so much that she became a joke in the city and referred to as the house that always had a public health card on the door letting everyone know their was sickness in the house. Thank God she got tired of it all and wanted to know how to get out of the cycle of sickness. She ran to someone who knew the answer (Dr Yeoman’s meeting) and listened to the instructions and followed them. She gave her life to the Lord, applied the blood of Jesus to her home and fed on the Word of God. Sickness left!
You too must apply the blood of Jesus into your home and feed on the Word of God. Sickness will have to leave! Today is a good day to start.
“Thus says the Lord….I have heard you prayers, I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you.”
“Lord God, I thank you that you’ve heard me when I’ve prayed. And you’ve even seen me when I’ve cried. But not only have you heard me and seen me, you have also healed me! I thank you that I am healed. I’m not going to be healed - I’m already healed!
Thank you Jesus - you are my healer!”