We must realize that Satan is real and he wants to destroy us. He wants to take us out anyway that he can with facts, with lies, or somewhere in between. He will use whatever he can to get us to feel unworthy, undeserving, or unloved. Some of us do believe that God can heal but don’t fully and truly believe He will do it for us. The truth is that God CAN heal, that Jesus DOES love us, and that He is seated at the right hand of the Father praying on our behalf. He died so we could be saved, healed, and delivered. His Word is true no matter how we feel!
“When you let symptoms and feelings make you doubt that you were healed (past tense) by those stripes that the Lord Jesus Christ bore for you, you simply turn off the healing power, the heavenly electricity.” p.208
We are not to go by how we feel or by what we see, or by what we hear. We are to stand on the Word. His Word is our truth, His Word is our reality. I love what the Lord said to Dr. Yeomans when she felt she couldn't get out of bed one day: “Walk on the water. You have been looking for improvements in symptoms, a change in the natural order of things. Stop it. That isn’t it at all. My Word is absolutely true. My healing is supernatural. It doesn't matter how you feel. Step out..”( p.214)
So stop it - get up-rejoice! Be glad and rejoice (Joel 2:21). Our joy comes from knowing that our redeemer lives and that because of the finished work on the cross “WE ARE HEALED”.