Equip Yourself

Here at The Seed Church we provide opportunities for you to Encounter God, Equip Yourself, and Engage with others. A great way to equip yourself by growing stronger in your knowledge of God's Word and connecting with other believers is by attending one of our weekly courses. 



The Life Course & Freedom Retreat
Wednesdays at 7pm | $15 Workbook

February 13th (13 Week Course) 
The LIFE course is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. This course builds on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.

Freedom Retreat : May 3-4th

Registration Opening January 9th


Phase 1 - Foundation
Mondays 7pm  |  $25

Beginning February 11th
Do you desire to reach your potential in Christ? Have you asked the question, 'What's next for me, God?' This course will provide you with the spiritual understanding you need in order to propel you forward in your walk with Christ.
This courses addresses: . The phases of spiritual development designed by God, the purpose for the season you find yourself in, and how each phase is connected to the spirit, soul and body of the believer

 Registration Opening January 9th

Phase 2 - Transformation | Various Teachers
Wednesdays 7pm  |  $10
($25 if you did not purchase the class book in the first class)
Beginning February 13th
Continue on the discipleship Bible Class track with step two on building a strong foundation of faith. Foundations 2 will concentrate on transformation by various faith teachers throughout the semester. You will receive a new workbook for this class, however, will continue to use the same book.

Registration Opening January 9th


Faith Legacy - Pastor Datha Thomas
Wednesdays 7pm  

Beginning February 13th
Join Pastor Datha and learn from her personal experience on how she developed an intimate relationship with God and learned to overcome obstacles in life through faith in God’s Word.

Registration Opening January 9th

How To Defend Your Faith
Mondays 7pm  |  $17.99 Book

Beginning February 11th
Join this bookclub on Monday nights to find out become more confident and bold about sharing your faith. There are two kinds of people Christians will encounter while doing evangelism—those who respond to the Gospel and those who don’t. Some may identify with another religion, they may be apathetic and content with their unbelief. Or they may raise some kind of “intellectual” objection as to why they believe Christianity is illegitimate. Whatever the reason, these people are frequently “tough-minded” and are in need of additional proof that goes beyond a Gospel presentation and personal testimony. This is where this bookclub comes into play. Learn how to truly defend your faith

Registration Opening January 9th

Conquer Series for Men
Date TBA
Whether you are faithfully staying the course or whether you are secretly struggling with sexual temptation, the lessons in this course are something every man will benefit from. Included in each session are action-packed cinematic reenactments based on Dr. Roberts’ battle experience, mind-blowing interviews with brain experts and empowering testimonies by famous male Christian role models, who each inspire us to keep fighting and remind us that any man can become more than a conqueror through Christ, regardless of how many times he’s failed.

Registration Opening January 9th