90 Day Tithing Challenge
We believe so much in the promise of God that we are willing to wholeheartedly support God’s Word by offering the three-month tithing challenge. If you would like to participate in the challenge, all we ask is that you agree to the guidelines listed below. We are excited to see all that God is going to do in your life over the next 90 days!
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
How does this work?
If you are not currently tithing and you would like to put God to “the test” (Malachi 3:10) take this challenge!
The 90 Day tithe challenge form must be completed and signed (download by clicking the graphic below or pick up your copy at our welcome desk)
Make sure to read/listen to The Blessed Life to truly learn the principles of giving found in God’s Word
You can pay your tithes by:
Setting up an online giving account
Text the ‘amount’ plus the word ‘tithe’ to (912) 228-4110 (example: 20 Tithe)
The Blessed life blog
We want to encourage you if you haven’t already to read this book and use it as a tool to help you study God’s Word to truly understand the principles of giving.
challenge agreement
You can download the 90 Day Tithing Challenge agreement or pick up a copy at our welcome desk in the lobby. The form must be completed prior to the start of this challenge to participate.
Giving Challenge
If you are already tithing but would like to give beyond your tithe — we want to encourage you to take your own personal giving challenge! Unlike the tithing challenge, there is no contract to sign and there are no guidelines. This is an agreement between you and God. Ask Him, “during this 90 day challenge, what is the amount you would like me to sow above my tithe?”
Current Areas of Giving:
Offering (overall church expenses)
The Building Fund (Begin sowing into the new building!)
Missions (Supporting Ghana & Nigeria)
National Pastor Appreciation Sunday (October 14th)
Ways to Give:
online giving account (select specific fund)
Text the ‘amount’ plus the word ‘give’’ to (912) 228-4110 (example: 20 Give)
Cash or check