In the first chapter we learned that joy is a byproduct of the Word. This is the reason Satan wants to steal the Word from you. This is why the Bible tells us that Satan comes immediately before you have time to meditate and before the Word has time to become deeply rooted in your heart.
With this promise, we have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about, and certainly nothing to lose our joy over. So cheer yourself up! Practice joy. Meditate on the Word, memorize scripture. Remember, as long as the enemy can’t get your joy, he can’t keep your goods, and he can’t defeat you!
We are not making light of your situation and we know that it can be really difficult to laugh in the midst of a storm. It may be hard but it is exactly what God tells us to do. Why? Joy brings strength. Joy reminds us that God has this. Joy reminds the devil that we will not be defeated. Joy brings hope. Joy brings JOY!
So rise up and begin to laugh at the enemy. Begin to praise the One who will deliver you. Begin to dance and rejoice, victory is yours!
- Pastor Lisa