Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

May 24-28 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                            John 13

                                                            Romans 7

                                                            1 Corinthians 7

                                                            Proverbs 31


                        Leader Questions:

1.     In John 13 why do you think Jesus washed the disciples feet?

2.     1 Corinthians 7 is an interesting passage. What in this passage made the biggest impression on you, and why?

3.     What are some characteristics of the virtuous woman from Prov 31?

4.      What does the writer mean when he says, Do not waste your strength on women in Proverbs 31:3?

5.     What do you think God wants for you in relationships and marriage?


Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

May 17-21 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                               John 12

                 Romans 6

                              1 Corinthians 6

                             Proverbs 12


                        Leader Questions:

1.     Read John 12:25-26. What does this passage mean to you?

2.     Read Romans 6:11. What do you think this verse means?

3.     Read Romans 6:16. What do you think this means?

4.     Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Did you know the Bible said this? Are these things people still deal with today?

5.     What does 1 Corinthians 6:20 means when it says, “honor God with your body”?

6.     Talk about what Proverbs 12:15 means.

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

May 10-14 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                            John 11

                                                            Romans 5

                                                            1 Corinthians 5

                                                            Proverbs 5


                         Leader Questions:

1.     Read John 11:25-26. Jesus said this before he raised Lazarus from the dead. Do you believe Jesus is who He says he is? Why was that important to Martha?

2.     Read Romans 5:1-2. How are we made right in God’s sight?

3.     Read Romans 5:11. What did Jesus make us?

4.     Read Romans 5:17-18. What does this passage mean for us, and those around us? What should we do with this information?

5.     1 Corinthians 5 and Proverbs 5 both deal with sexual immorality. What in these 2 passages made an impression on you?


Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

May 3-7 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                          John 10

                                          Romans 4

                                         1 Corinthians 4

                                         Psalms 143



      Leader Questions:

1.     Abraham’s faith is highlighted in Romans 4. Why is belief and trust so important in being right with God? (Rom 4:16)

2.     Read 1 Corinthians 4:20. What is the kingdom of God like?

3.     Psalms 143 is a prayer. What do you most identify with in that prayer?

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

April 26-30 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                            John 9

                                                            Romans 3

                                                            1 Corinthians 3

                                                            Proverbs 10


                        Leader Questions:

1.     Read Romans 4:23-26. Everyone has sinned and fallen short. What do we do to get right with God? (v24,25)

2.     Read 1 Corinthians 3: 3 what proves that you are controlled by your sin nature?

3.     Read 1 Corinthians 3:18. Why is important to humble yourself and not think you are so wise in yourself?

4.     Proverbs 10 highlights Godly wisdom. What verse in Proverbs 10 speaks to you?

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

April 19-23 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                             John 8

                                                            Romans 2

                                                            1 Corinthians 2

                                                            Proverbs 3


                        Leader Questions:

1.     Jesus experienced push back from religious leaders. Have you ever struggled with a statement of Jesus?

2.     How did you resolve your struggle?

3.     Romans 2 is dealing with our sins and our view of others. Read Romans 2:29. What does Paul mean when he talks about the importance of a change of heart produced by the Spirit?

4.     Read Prov 3:5-8 and 1 Cor 2:4-5. How do these 2 passages tie together?


Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

April 12-16 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)

                                                            John 7

                                                            Romans 1

                                                            1 Cor 1

                                                            Proverbs 7

 Leader Questions:

1.     What do you think Jesus meant when He said in John 7:37, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!” ?

2.     Read Romans 1:16-17, what does that passage mean to you?

3.     In Romans 1:18 it says God shows His anger against all sinful wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. Then, it goes on to describe Gods invisible qualities. Verse 21 says they wouldn’t worship Him or give thanks. What were the results of that as described in the second part of verse 21-32?

4.     Do you see similarities between Romans 1 and today’s culture?

5.     Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-19, what does this passage mean to you?

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

April 5-9 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)

                                            John 6

                                           Galatians 6

                                           Psalms 18:1-29

                                           Proverbs 6

 Leader Questions:

 1.     Jesus gave the disciples instructions for what to do to feed the thousands of hungry people. It was a miracle that all could be fed and have so much food left over. Why was it important for the disciples to obey Jesus instructions? If they had not obeyed Jesus instructions do you think the miracle could have happened?

2.     Do you trust God enough to do what He says, even though you may not completely understand it? Why is that important?

3.     There is a theme that goes through Galatians 6. What do you think that theme is? (look @ Gal 6:2-3)

4.     What are the 7 things God hates? (Prov 6:16-19) Talk about it.


Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

March 29-April 2 Fearless Disciples (read the entire chapter for all listed)



                                                             John 5

                                                            Galatians 5

                                                            Psalms 51

                                                            Proverbs 1



Leader Questions:


1.     IN john 5:24 What does Jesus say will happen to those who listen to and believe His Message?

2.     Read Gal 5:13-14 what does that mean for you?

3.     According to Gal 5:19-21 What happens when you follow the desires of your sinful nature?

4.     According to Gal 5:22-23 & 25  What happens when we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives?



Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

March 22-26 (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                John 4

                                                Galatians 4

                                                Psalms 12

                                                Proverbs 30

            Leader Questions:

1.     In John 4:23-24 what does Jesus mean by saying God is seeking people to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth?

2.     What does Gal 4:7 mean when it calls us heirs of Christ?

3.     What is your favorite scripture from Proverbs 30?

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

March 15-19 (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                                                 John 3

                                                Galatians 3

                                                Psalms 16

                                                Proverbs 11

Leader Questions:

1.     What does it mean when Jesus told Nicodemus, “Unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God”?

2.     Galatians 3 can be summed up in verses 11, 12, & 26. In light of these verses why is believing and trusting God, Jesus, and His word more important than keeping the commandments of the law?

3.     What’s your favorite verse from Prov 11?


Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

March 8-12 (read the entire chapter for all listed)


John 2

Galatians 2

Psalms 25

Proverbs 3


            Leader Questions:

1.     Three things happened in chapter 2:

·        Jesus performed his first miracle

·        Jesus became angry in the temple

·        Many people began to trust Jesus

What was Jesus first miracle, and why did He do it?

Why was Jesus angry in the temple?

Why did many people begin to trust Jesus? (John 2:23)

2.     In Psalms 25:9 what does it mean when the writer says, “He leads the HUMBLE in doing right, teaching them His way.”?

3.     Discuss what does Prov 3:5 mean and why is it important?

Fearless Disciples Bible Reading Plan

March 1-5, 2021 (read the entire chapter for all listed)


                       John 1

                                        Galatians 1

                                        Psalms 2

                                        Proverbs 4


            Leader Questions:

1.     John 1:1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God. Why is it important to know Jesus always existed, and He played an important part in creation John1:2-5?

2.     Gal 1:11-15 The Apostle Paul talks about how God through Jesus changed his life and gave him the understanding and calling that he walked in. Why do you think that is so important?

3.      Psalms 2:11 says, “Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.” What does that mean to you?

4.     Proverbs 4 speaks of the importance of wisdom and that we get it from listening to the words of our Father (God’s words). In Prov4:23 We are commanded to guard our hearts with all diligence. Then the rest of verse 23 tells us why. What does it say?

What does Prov 4: 24-27 tell us about how to guard our hearts?